How to control and stop water evaporation 

Clean water is a natural resource becoming increasingly scarce. In open lagoon and reservoir, evaporation is responsible for most of the liquid loss. Understanding evaporation and how to reduce it is important when looking at minimizing liquid loss.

Evaporation is the water vaporization that occurs on the surface of the pond. For water molecules to evaporate, they must be located near the surface, be moving in the proper direction, and have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome liquid-phase intermolecular forces. When a small amount of the molecules meet these criteria, the rate of evaporation is low.

There are 3 main factors that influence the rate of evaporation:

  • Temperature of the water: If the water is hotter, then its molecules have a higher average kinetic energy, and evaporation will be faster. The water temperature in Malaysia is between 28 and 30 celcius which means water evaporates fast.
  • The concentration of the water evaporating in the air: In South East Asia we have 42 % – 95 % humidity, when the humidity is high then water will evaporate more slowly.
  • Flow rate of air: If fresh air is moving over the water all the time, then the humidity in the air is less likely to go up with time, thus encouraging faster evaporation. This is the result of the boundary layer at the evaporation surface decreasing with flow velocity, decreasing the diffusion distance in the stagnant layer.

Hexacover is certified for potable/ drinking water, and Hexacover is a very effective way to reduce factors that promotes evaporation and conserve water and herby stop water evaporation. Hexacover can cover 99% of the pond The high coverage Hexacover will minimise the air flow rate at the surface of the water, insulate the water surface from the sun heat, and create a high humidity air layer that will control and even stop water evaporation.

wastewater and water

Advantages of installing Hexacover to stop and control water evaporation

Covering an open water body, pond and lagoon have advantages:

Hexacover advantages 

When using Hexacover you will have features and advantages for the site and local community:

Eliminates algae growth and therefore filter clogging
Quick and easy to install
Reduces weathering of reservoir liners, increasing the lifetime of the liner
Certified for Potable / Drinking water
< 95% reduction of water evaporation

Hexacover Is approved and preferred by authorities, public companies, municipalities etc. World Wide
Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is the environmental friendly solution, manufactured from recycled PP with no use of i.e. Freon or any other harmful materials

95 % reduction of water evaporation
Quick and easy to install
No maintenance
Certified for Potable / Drinking water
Quick and easy to install
Storm resistance, withstands wind velocities up to 32 m/s
Automatic distribution of floating tiles on liquid surface
Free access to liquid for e.g. measuring, emptying or stirring
Allows use of aeration to ensure aerobic conditions are maintained
Life expectancy of 25 years
Eliminate odours
Fits to all shapes and geometries
Automatic adaption to changes in the level
Favorable price

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