What people say
using Hexacover
No more blocked pumps
“We used to experience pump blockages every two days due to aquatic weeds growing in our recycled water storage. These pump blockages have not occurred since Hexa-Cover® were installed.”
Better water quality
“Water Corporation (WA) installed Hexa-Cover® In a wastewater treatment pond in Leonora, Goldfield Region Australia. We are happy to say, the installation went very smoothly.
To date the effluent quality supplied to the recycled water scheme is much improved. We also see increase in quantity of water”
Notable Reduction of Algae & E.coli
“We installed 108,000 Hexa- Cover discs in June 2017, and since have seen a notable reduction in algae growth and E.coli in our raw water storage, which makes the water much easier to treat. We are now well into the fifth summer since installation and the reservoir has not needed to be emptied or cleaned.”
Eliminate Algae no use of Toxins

Stop water evaporation

Control algae growth
No need for pondfilters
Filters for algae control are no longer needed as hexacover will eliminate the Algae

Full access to the pond
You have full access to the pond, Hexacovers float and your pumps will never get clogged again because of algae

Bad odour control
Eliminate bad odour from water and waste water facilities. Hexacover will stop all bad odour after installation.

Control Algae growth
Algae growth will be controlled and eliminated by Hexacover, with out use of chemicals

Fast working and easy instal
Fastest working algae control
The covers are installed in hours and will form a cover because of the patented solution

No maintenance cost
Cost of maintenance is zero After you install hexacovers

Storm resistant cover
The covers are storm resistant and keep your pond and reservoir safe. Hexacover R114 has been tested at 32 M/S, Beaufort wind scale: 12: Hurricane force

Best price for algae control
Favourable price for algae control
We can provide a favourable price and no running cost, no maintenance cost, life expectancy of minimum 25 years

Easy to adapt
Easy to adopt if pond size changes
Easy adaption to bigger/smaller surfaces by adding/removing tiles keep the pond covered at all time and the pond free of algae
Cleaner water, stops water evaporation and No more algae,
Hexa-Cover® is highly recommended and represents a good long-term investment
After the installation we have seen a significant reduction in evaporation of around 75-80% which represents an extra saving of water for us. In addition, we have noticed a significant improvement in water quality as Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover also is very effective in stopping the growth of algae
Joan Ramon Porta,
Director, Tecnoaliment
100.000 CU.FT. Water storage facility
Better Water and More of It,
We installed 108,000 Hexa-Cover discs in June 2017, and since have seen a notable reduction in algae growth and E.coli in our raw water storage, which makes the water much easier to treat. We are now well into the fifth summer since installation and the reservoir has not needed to be emptied or cleaned.”
Jaymie Dawes,
Coordinator Environmental Services, OMEO
108.000 Hexacover installed
Wastewater management
Wastewater management
Clean up your wastewater with hexacover, benefits are no more algae, no odour, Get low BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) levels.
No chemicals use in wastewater
After you install Hexacover to manage your wastewater you no longer need to use additives and chemicals to maintain the pond.
Wastewater maintenance
Maintenance of the pond is no longer needed as Hexacover ensures low BOD-levels, a completely algae-free wastewater pond. Full access to the wastewater,
Covered wastewater with aeration
Hexacover allows installation of aeration to ensure aerobic conditions are maintained “Invisible” – the solution does not disfigure the landscape
Green solution
Covers are manufactured of 100% recycled plastic without any use of Freon or other harmful materials
Stop water evaporation and reduce emissions
Up to 95% reduction of evaporation from water surfaces.
Up to 95% stable and constant reduction of emission (i.e. ammonia)
CONTACT US for a quote
Contact us
Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas Duty is designed to:
Reduce BTEX emissions
Reduce emissions such as BTEX benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene. Eliminate or reduce water vapour that act as a carrier of VOCs that add to odour problems
Lower operations cost
Reduce heat loss resulting in lower operating costs. Insulation for liquid surface in a heated crude oil tank lowers operating costs for CHOPS facilities and central processing batteries.
Reduce Odour and tank space
Reduce offensive and carcinogenic BTEX odours. Reduce tank head space corrosion by lower levels of humidity above the liquid level.
Defoaming chemicals reduction in tanks
After installation of Hexacover you can reduce or possibly eliminate use of expensive defoaming chemicals.
Lower operations cost
Reduce energy needed to reach optimum process temperatures. This will lower operation costs.
Reduce water vapour generated
Reduce the amount of water vapour generated as steam. Steam causes icing of the thief hatch and the transport of other odours from the tank.
Hexacover for oil and gas industry
By installing hexacover you eliminate the use of expensive chemicals and additives. Hexacover has over 3000 installations in the oil and gas industry reducing running cost and improving the environment.