The Hexacover Floating Tile
The unique and patented Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is perfect on almost any form of fluid surface. Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is used on almost all forms of basins, lagoons, reservoirs, containers, ponds and tank.
Since its launch in 2004, Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover has been chosen for a vast number of installations globally, making the Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover the market leading solution.
Hexa-cover is certified and approved for use with potable water according (AS/NZS 4020:2018)
Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is the ideal solution for eliminating such things as:
Emission from Chemicals
Water Evaporation
Eliminates Organic growth
Eliminates bad Odour
UV effect
Reduces Heat loss
Further, Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover deters unwanted waterfowls from landing on covered waters such as bird.
The Hexa-Cover® floating tile has been developed with a view to satisfying all requirements as to a floating covering for liquid containers.
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