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The Floating Tile
The unique and patented Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is perfect on almost any form of fluid surface. Today Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is used on almost all forms of basins, lagoons, reservoirs, containers, ponds and tank.
Since its launch in 2004, Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover has been chosen for a vast number of installations globally, making the Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover the market leading solution.
Hexacover floating tiles is certified for potable/drinking water (AS/NZS 40:2018)
Hexacover stops Water evaporation and prevents any algae from growing all without any use of additives or chemicals.
Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is the ideal solution for eliminating such things as:
Organic growth
UV effect
Heat loss
Further, Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover deters unwanted waterfowls from landing on covered waters
The Hexa-Cover® floating tile has been developed with a view to satisfying all requirements as to a floating covering for liquid containers.
The Hexa-Cover® floating tiles ensure:
Up to 95% reduction of evaporation from water surface
Up to 95% stable and constant reduction of emission of such things as ammonia
Up to 90% stable and constant reduction of odours
Noticeable reduction in organic growth such as algae
Storm resistance, withstands wind velocities up to 32 m/s
Ease of installation
Automatic distribution of floating tiles on liquid surface
Free access to liquid for e.g. measuring, emptying or stirring
Life expectancy of 25 years
Favourable price
Manufactured of recycled polymer, without use of Freon or other harmful materials
Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover – Features and benefits:
Storm resistance (R114 withstands wind up to at least 32 m/s)
Ease of installation with no need for any special equipment
Installation in both full and empty tank
Automatic distribution on liquid surfaces
Automatic adaption to changes in the level
Fits to all shapes and geometries
Easy adaption to bigger/smaller surfaces by adding/removing tiles
Unlimited access to the liquid
Life expectancy of 25 years
Favorable price
No running cost
No repair cost
No maintenance cost
No insurance cost > is unaffected by rain, snow and frost
Allows use of aeration to ensure aerobic conditions are maintained
Is “invisible” as it does not disfigure the landscape
Needs no supervision
Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover:
Is the solid, robust and long lasting solution
Has no weak spots, no blow- / injection holes
Has no hollow areas (that eventually will break)
Withstands rain, snow and frost
Has no openings (that eventuelly will clog due to sand, debris, algae etc.)
Is approved and preferred by authorities, public companies, municipalities etc. world wide
Hexa-Cover® Floating Cover is the environmental friendly solution, manufactured from recycled PP with no use of i.e. Freon or any other harmful materials
Specifications: R90 & R114
Diagonal measure: 180 mm
Height: 50 mm
Weight: 110 g
Units per m2: 43
Big Bag (130 cm x 130 cm x 250 cm): 55 m2 / Approx 265 kg
Diagonal measure: 228 mm
Height 70 mm
Weight 243 g
Units per m2: 28
Big Bag (130 cm x 130 cm x 250 cm): 42 m2 / Approx 290 kg